Bagadiya & Jain

Our Services

Setting up Indian Operations

Businesses have no borders of globalization and companies are setting up operations in different jurisdictions across...

International Taxation

While Indian companies continue to implement international growth strategies, the business models will continue to...

Transfer Pricing

Compliance with transfer pricing regulations plays a significant role in pricing arrangements in international transactions..


With the substantial liberalization in exchange control regulations, India has become an attractive destination for..

Direct Taxation

Annually, there have been constant changes in the Indian Direct Tax Laws which at times happen on regular basis. Bagadiya& Jain...

Indirect Taxation

In the area of Indirect taxes, Bagadiya& Jain has the in-house competence which not just establishes the biggest portion of...

Audit & Attestation

Our belief that audit and assurance services are a 'profit center' instead of a 'cost center' has additionally been supported by our...

Enterprise Risk Management Services

A business is prone to risks and to have a sustainable company, identifying and managing those risks is a huge task...

Due Diligence & Business Valuation

With globalization and also the ascent in the Indian economy mergers, takeovers, and acquisitions became ...

Project Financing & Debt Syndication

We assist Corporates to leverage on debt as an associate degree instrument to boost capital through the structured monetary...

Mergers and Acquisition

Every deal related to merger and acquisition is different and requires a unique valuation. With merger and acquisition professionals...

Corporate laws & LLP

Under company law and partnership laws, there are many formalities and we assist our clients in complying with those formalities...

The creative future company. Think ahead. Stay ahead.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit.